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Progetto S3 - coord.Francesca Pacor e Marco Mucciarelli

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Sezione di MilanoIstituto Nazionale di
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Calderoni G., Rovelli A., Milana G., Valensise G. (2007). Evidence for low stress drop of the October-November 2002 earthquakes in Molise, central-southern Italy , Journal of Geophysical Research (to be submitted)


Caputo R., Salviulo L., Piscitelli S., Loperte A. (2007) Late Quaternary activity along the Scorciabuoi Fault ( Southern Italy ) as inferred from electrical resistivity tomographies, Annals of Geophysiscs , Vol. 50, N. 2, 137-148


Caputo R.(2007) Sea-level curves: Perplexities of an end-user in morphotectonic applications, Global and Planetary Change, 57, 417–423


Chiarabba C., P. De Gori L. Chiaraluce, P. Bordoni, M. Cattaneo, M. Demartin, A. Frepoli, A: Michelini, G. Monachesi, M. Moretti, P. Augliera , E. D'Alema, M. Frapiccini, A. Gassi, S. Marzorati and Molise Working Group (INOGS, Dipteris Unige) (2005). Mainshocks and aftershocks of the 2002 Molise seismic sequence, southern Italy, Jour. Seismol., 9: 487-494


Convertito V., A. Emolo, and A. Zollo (2006). Seismic-hazard assessment for a characteristic earthquake scenario: an integrated probabilistic-deterministic method. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 96 , 377-391, doi:10.1785/0120050024


Del Gaudio V. & Wasowski J. (2007): Directivity of slope dynamic response to seismic shaking. Geophys. Res. Lett. , 34, L12301, doi:10.1029/2007GL029842.


Gallovic F., and J. Brokešová (2007). Hybrid k-squared source model for strong ground motion simulations: introduction . Phys. Earth. Planet. Int. 160 , 34-50


Gallovic F., and J. Burjánek (2007). Directivity in strong ground motion modelling methods. Ann. Geophys. (in press)


Laurenzano G., E. Priolo, M. R. Gallipoli, M. Mucciarelli, F. C. Ponzo. Effect of Vibrating Buildings on Free-Field Motion and on Adjacent Structures: the Bonefro ( Italy ) Case History. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. (submitted)


Lombardo G., Rigano R. (2007). Local seismic response in Catania (Italy): a test area in the northern part of the town. Engineering Geology (in print)


Lombardo G., Rigano R . (2006). Amplification of ground motion in fault and fracture zones: observations from the Tremestieri fault, Mt. Etna (Italy). J. Volc. Geoth. Res., 153, 3-4, 167-176


Martino S., Minutolo A., Paciello A., Rovelli A., Scarascia Mugnozza G. and Verrubbi V. (2006). Seismic microzonation of jointed rock-mass ridges through a combined geomechanical and seismometric approach. Natural Hazards, 39, 419-449


Massa M., Marzorati S., D'Alema E., Di Giacomo D. and Augliera P. (2007). Site classification assessment for estimating empirical attenuation relationships for North-Central Italy earthquakes,J. Earthqu. Eng. (accepted)


Morasca P., Zolezzi F., Spallarossa D., and L. Luzi (2007). Ground motion models for the Molise region ( Southern Italy ), Soil. Dynam. and Earthq. Eng. (accepted)


M. Mucciarelli, M.R. Gallipoli (2007); Damping estimate for simple buildings through non-parametric analysis of a single ambient vibration recording, Annals Geoph. (in press)


Pacor F., D. Bindi, L. Luzi, S. Parolai S., S. Marzorati and Monachesi G. (2006). Characteristics of strong ground motion data recorded at Gubbio ( Central Italy ), Bull. Earthqu. Eng. doi: 10.1007/s10518-006-9026-X.


Parolai S., M. Mucciarelli, M. R. Gallipoli, S. M. Richwalski, A. Strollo (2007) Comparison of site responses estimated using earthquake data and S-wave velocity structure derived from seismic noise array recordings at the Tito test site (Southern Italy), Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. (in press)


Rigano R., Cara F., Lombardo G., Rovelli A. (2007). Evidence for ground motion polarization on fractured lava of fault zones: observations on Mt. Etna volcano. J. Geophys. Res. (to be submitted)


Silvestri F., Vitone C., d'Onofrio A., Cotecchia F., Puglia R., Santucci de Magistris F. (2006). The influence of meso-structure on the mechanical behaviour of a marly clay from low to high strains. Symposium to celebrate Prof. Tatsuoka's 60th birthday, Roma


Sirovich L., Pettenati F. (2007). Validation of a Kinematic, Parametric, Approach to Calculate Intensity Scenarios. (In preparation for Bull. Seism. Soc. Am.)


Strollo A., Richwalski S. M., Parolai S., Gallipoli M. R., Mucciarelli M., Caputo R., (2007) Site effects of the 2002 Molise earthquake, Italy: analysis of strong motion, ambient noise, and synthetic data from 2D modelling in San Giuliano di Puglia Journal Bul. Earthq. Eng., Vol. 5, N. 3, 347-362, DOI 10.1007/s10518-007-9033-6


Costanzo A., D'Onofrio A., Silvestri F. (2007) Analisi dei danni registrati nel borgo di Gerace durante gli eventi sismici della Calabria del 1783, XI Congresso Nazionale “L'ingegneria Sismica in Italia" , ANIDIS , 10-14 Giugno, Pisa.


Costanzo A., D'Onofrio A., Silvestri F. (2007) Numerical simulations of the ground deformation recorded in the historical town of Gerace during the seismic events in Calabria (1783) , 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. June 25-28 , Thessaloniki , paper no. 1613.


Costanzo A., D'Onofrio A., Lanzo G., Pagliaroli A., Penna A., Puglia R., Santucci De Magistris F., Sica S., Silvestri F., Tommasi P. (2007) Seismic response of historical centres in Italy: selected case studies, Workshop on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering related to Monuments and Historical Centers, Proc. IV ICEGE, Thessaloniki .


Costanzo A., (2007) Numerical simulations of the seismic response of the Gerace cliff during the Calabrian seismic sequence (1783) , XVIII European Young Geotechnical Engineers' Conference (EYGEC), Ancona


Del Gaudio V., Wasowski J., Venisti N., Pierri P. (2007): Response of landslide-prone hillslopes to seismic shaking: evidence of amplification and spectral polarization from an accelerometric monitoring network at Caramanico Terme ( Italy ). Proceedings 1st North American Landslide Conference , Vail, Colorado (U.S.A.), 3-8 June 2007, ISBN 978-0-975-4295-3-2, pp. 856-866.


Franceschina G., F. Pacor, G. Cultrera, A. Emolo, and F. Gallovic (2006). Modelling directivity effects of the October 31, 2002 (Mw=5.8), Molise , Southern Italy , earthquake. First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology ; September 3-8, Geneva , Switzerland Paper number 1424


Laurenzano G., E. Priolo, M. R. Gallipoli, M. Mucciarelli, F. C. Ponzo (2007). Effect of Vibrating Buildings on Free-Field Motion and on Adjacent Structures: the Bonefro ( Italy ) Case History. 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. June 25-28 , Thessaloniki . Paper No. 1386.


Luzi, L., Morasca, P., Zolezzi, F., Bindi, D., Pacor, F., Spallarossa, D. ,G., Franceschina (2006) Ground motion models for Molise region (southern Italy ). First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology ; September 3-8, Geneva , Switzerland , paper n. 938


M. Mucciarelli, M.R. Gallipoli (2006); Comparison between Vs30 and other estimates of site amplification in Italy, Proc. of the First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology , 3-8 September, Geneva (Switzerland), Paper n. 270


M. Mucciarelli, M.R. Gallipoli (2006); Estimate of frequency and damping for large sets of building in dense urban area, Proc. of the First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology , 3-8 September, Geneva (Switzerland). Paper n. 211


Pessina, V., G. Franceschina, P. Vannoli, L. Luzi and F. Pacor (2006) Damage Distribution and Seismological Model of the November 2004, Salò (Northern Italy) Earthquake, Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, September 3-8, Geneva, Switzerland paper n. 1371


Puglia R., Lanzo G., Pagliaroli A., Sica S., Silvestri F. (2007) Ground motion amplification in San Giuliano di Puglia (Southern Italy) during the 2002 Molise earthquake , 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. June 25-28 , Thessaloniki, paper no. 1611


Puglia R., Silvestri F. (2007) Analisi di risposta sismica locale del centro urbano di San Giuliano di Puglia (CB) , Incontro Annuale dei Ricercatori di Geotecnica (IARG) , Salerno


Sirovich L. , Pettenati F. (2007). A new Kinematic Approach to Calculate Seismic Hazard Scenarios (Intensity and Peak Ground Displacement); an Example in SE Sicily . AGU2007 , Acapulco , Proc. ref. n. S51A-01


Ameri G., Cirella, G. Cultrera, A. Emolo, G. Franceschina, F. Gallovic, I. Hunstad, F. Pacor, A. Piatanesi, and E. Tinti (2006). Effects of directivity on shaking scenarios: an application to the 1980 Irpinia earthquake, M6.9, Southern Italy. SSA Meeting – 100 th Anniversary Earthquake Conference, San Francisco , USA


Augliera P., D'Alema E., Di Giacomo D., Marzorati S. and Massa M. (2006) Un approccio sismologico strumentale allo studio del terremoto del 24 novembre 2004, Università di Brescia, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Seminari Scientifici e Culturali, 14 Novembre


Barani S., De Ferrari R., Ferretti G., Eva C. and Spallarossa D. (2006) Site amplification factor assessment via a multidisciplinary approach: an application in Molise region (Southern Italy), . First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology ; September 3-8, Geneva , Switzerland .


Cara F., Parolai S., Monachesi G., Milkereit R., Günther E., Di Giulio G., Milana G., Bindi D., Rovelli A. (2006). Test sites in Europe for the evaluation of ground motion amplification: site response of the Gubbio basin (central Italy ) using weak motions recorded by linear seismic arrays. First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology ; September 3-8, Geneva , Switzerland .


Cavallaro A., Grasso S., Maugeri M. (2006). Clay Soil Characterisation by the New Seismic Dilatometer Marchetti Test (SDMT). Proc. of the Second International Conference on the Flat Dilatomete r, Washington , April 2 – 5


Cavallaro A., Grasso S., Maugeri M. (2006). Volcanic Soil Characterisation and Site Response Analysis in the city of Catania . Proc. of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. The Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, April 18 - 22


Convertito, V., A. Emolo, F. Gallovic, and A. Zollo, A. (2005). Probabilistic-Deterministic Hazard Scenario for the 1980 Irpinia Earthquake M=6.9, Southern Italy, IASPEI General Assembly, October 2-8, Santiago , Chile.


Convertito, V., F. Gallovic, A. Emolo, and A. Zollo. (2005). Integrated Deterministic and Probabilistic Strong Ground Motion Prediction: Application to 1980 Irpinia Earthquake, M=6.9, Southern Italy, AGU 2005 Fall Meeting, San Francisco , USA, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S51D-1045.


Cultrera G., Cirella A., Emolo A., Herrero A., Pacor F., Tinti E., Cocco M. (2007). Variabilità dei parametri ground-motion in funzione della descrizione cinematica dei meccanismi di rottura: dall'Umbria-Marche agli studi parametrici. Workshop "Dieci anni dopo il terremoto dell'Umbria-Marche: stato delle conoscenze sulla sismogenesi in Italia" , 26-27 giugno, Camerino


D'Amico V ., Picozzi M., Baliva F., Albarello D., Menichetti M., Bozzano F., Martino S., Rivellino S. and Scarascia Mugnozza G. (2006). Test sites in Europe for the evaluation of ground motion amplification: site response of the Gubbio basin (central Italy ) using geological data and seismic noise measurements. First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, September 3-8, Geneva, Switzerland


D'Amico V ., Albarello D., Baliva F. e Picozzi M. (2005). Indagine esplorativa mediante misure di rumore ambientale per la caratterizzazione della risposta sismica nel territorio di Gubbio. 24° Convegno del Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida, Roma 15-17 novembre .


Del Gaudio V., Venisti N., Pierri P. & Wasowski J. (2007): Application of the Refraction Microtremor technique to investigate the characteristics of seismic response of landslide-prone hillslopes. EGU General Assembly , 15-20 April, Vienna . Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 02421, 2007 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-02421


Del Gaudio V., Wasowski J. (2006): Risultati di alcuni test per la valutazione dell'anisotropia nella risposta sismica di sito. 25° Convegno del Gruppo Nazionale Geofisica della Terra Solida , Roma, 28-30 novembre 2006. Riassunti Estesi delle comunicazioni, pp. 233-236


Del Gaudio V. & Wasowski J. (2007): New observations on directivity phenomena in the dynamic response of slopes to seismic shaking. EGU General Assembly, 15-20 April, Vienna . Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 01868, 2007 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-01868


Del Gaudio V., Wasowski J., Venisti N., Pierri P. (2005): Nuovi dati sulla risposta sismica locale in aree di pendio instabile . 24° Convegno del Gruppo Nazionale Geofisica della Terra Solida G.N.G.T.S., Roma, 15-17 novembre 2005, Riassunti Estesi delle comunicazioni , pp. 235-238


Del Gaudio V., Wasowski J., Venisti N. and Pierri P. (2006): Polarisation and spectral properties of the seismic site response of landslide-prone hillslopes: a case study from Italy . EGU General Assembly 2006, Vienna , 2-7 April 2006. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 02228, 2006 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-02228


Emolo, A., and F. Gallovic. (2005). Relations Between Instrumental Ground Motion Parameters and MCS Intensity in Italy , Application to the Simulated 1980 Irpinia Earthquake, M=6.9, Southern Italy, IASPEI General Assembly, October 2-8, Santiago, Chile.


Eva C., De Ferrari R., Barani S., Ferretti G. (2006) Is the Vs30 a reliable measure of soil classification? First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology ; September 3-8, Geneva , Switzerland .


Gallovic, F., and P. Franek (2007). Application of synthetic transfer functions to earthquake motion scenario study in the Grenoble valley, French Al ps . EGU General Assembly , 15 - 20 April, Vienna, Austria


Grasso S., Maugeri M. (2006). Using Kd And Vs From Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT) For Evaluating Soil Liquefaction. Proc. of the Second International Conference on the Flat Dilatomete r, Washington , April 2–5


Grasso S., Maugeri M., Spina L. (2006). Seismic Microzonation of The City Of Catania for the Etna Earthquake (M=6.2) of February 20, 1818. Proc. of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. The Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, April 18 – 22.


Guerriero L., Bovenga F., Nutricato R., Wasowski J., Casarano D., Gostelow P., Del Gaudio V., Blonda P. and Refice A. (2006): Developing a Landslide Early Warning System based on satellite measurements. EGU General Assembly 2006, Vienna , 2-7 April 2006 . Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 07362, 2006 SRef-ID: 1607- 7962/gra/EGU06-A-07362


Lanzo G. , Lombardo G., Pagliaroli A., Rigano R. (2006). Effects of natural and artificial cavities in the evaluation of local seismic response. 25° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS, Roma, 244-246.


Lombardo G., Rigano R., Pappalardo G., Castelli F. (2006). Evaluation of the thickness of alluvial sediments in the Catania plain through a geophysical and hydrogeological approach. 25° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS, Roma, 208-210


Marzorati S., Di Giacomo D., D'Alema E., Massa M., Bindi D. e Augliera P., (2006), Osservazione di Microsismi nel Nord Italia, 25° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS , Roma, 28-30 novembre


Marzorati S., Bauz R., Cara F., Di Giacomo D., Gunther E., Monachesi G., Bindi D., Parolai S., (2006), Microsismi osservati a Gubbio (PG): applicazione al calcolo dei rapporti spettrali H/V nell'intervallo [0.1-1] Hz, 25° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS , Roma 28-30 novembre


Massa M., Marzorati S., D'Alema E., Di Giacomo D. and Augliera P. (2006). Site classification assessment for estimating empirical attenuation relationships for North-Central Italy earthquakes. 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology , Geneva , 3-8 September


Massa M., Ameri G., Pacor F., Augliera P. and Castro R. (2007) A method to select EGF by using waveform similarity analysis: an application for modelling the 24 of November 2004 Salò earthqueke (northern Italy , ML 5.2), EGU General Assembly , Wien, April.


Pacor F., Cultrera G., Emolo A., Gallovic F., Cirella A., Hunstad I., Piatanesi A., Tinti E., Ameri G, Franceschina G. (2006). Effects of directivity on shaking scenarios: an application to the 1980 Irpinia earthquake, M 6.9, Southern Italy . Proceedings of 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference commemorating the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, SSA Annual meeting ; 18-22 April, San Francisco , California


Pacor, F.; Rovelli, A.; Boehm, G.; Albarello, D.; Parolai, S.; Mucciarelli, M.; Ferretti, G.; Scarascia, G. (2007) DPC-INGV S3 Project - The Gubbio experiment: multidisciplinary investigations for the characterisation of local seismic response. Oral Session, EGU General Assembly , Wien, April


Pacor F. e Gruppo di Lavoro Task 6-Gubbio, 2006, “Progetto DPC-INGV S3 - l'esperimento di Gubbio: indagini multidisciplinari per la caratterizzazione della risposta sismica locale”, 25° Convegno Nazionale Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della terra solida , Roma


Piscitelli S. (2007). Electrical Resistivity Tomography investigations in some Italian active volcanic and seismic areas. Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan on Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas , Chiba-Minato, Chiba , Japan , July 25-27.


Rigano R., Lombardo G., Barbano M.S., Cosentino M., Distefano G. (2006). Pericolosità e risposta sismica locale nell'area di Lentini (Sicilia sud-orientale). 25° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS, Roma, 226-228


Zolezzi, F., Morasca, P., Mayeda, K. And Eva C (2006) Attenuation tomography of the Southern Apennines EGU – Vienna 2-7 April


Zonno, G., Carvalho, A. (2006). Modeling the 1980 Irpinia earthquake by stochastic simulation. Comparison of seismic scenarios using finite-fault simulation methods. First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, September 3-8, Geneva , Switzerland.


Palmieri, F., L. Marello, E. Priolo(2006). Rilievo gravimetrico di dettaglio nell'area di San Giuliano di Puglia (CB). Rel. OGS 2006/91 - CRS/24, 30 ottobre.


Costanzo A. (2007) “ Analisi di fenomeni deformativi di pendii e rilievi in condizioni sismiche : il caso di Gerace ”, Tesi di Dottorato in Ingegneria Geotecnica, Università della Calabria


Gallovic F. (2006). Kinematic modeling of strong ground motions. PhD Thesis, Dept. of Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University , Prague , Czech Republic